Sunday, September 23, 2018

On Friday We Catch our Train and Head East

The Vancouver Pacific Central train station was very busy on Friday when we arrived around 10 AM and we saw that security measures were being taken.
We left at noon and soon saw these Blueberry bushes outside Vancouver.
It wasn't long before we started to enter the Canadian Rockies.
There are four dome cars on the train and they became popular places to sit as we ran into snow.
Saturday morning we arrived in Jasper where many passengers got off.
Outside of Jasper Bill got this shot of a Bull Elk.
The scenery in the Canadian Rockies is wonderful.
Each morning Via Rail gave us a champagne talk.
This is the stairway to one of the dome cars. 
There is no wi-fi on the train so we only hit occasional cell towers to get on the internet. Sunday morning and we are now stopped in Saskatoon, Saskarchewan.  We have seen snow all the way from Jasper which the locals say is unusual this time of year.  Because of heavy freight traffic our train is running about six hours behind schedule.  Oh well - we will just go sit in the dome car and watch the Canadian scenery go by, as it is warm on our train.

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