Friday, September 21, 2018

A Rainy Thursday in Vancouver

The skies were cloudy and dark in the morning so we decided to stay closer to the hotel but still wanted to see what the downtown had to offer.
We wandered into a really upscale mall where Karen enjoyed looking at the newest fashions.
This Apple store drew our attention as Karen will soon be needing a new phone.

But by late morning the rain started so after lunch we headed back to the hotel to catch up on a few chores and relax.
Directly across the street from our hotel we found this high-end grocery store that was great for any needed supplies.
In the afternoon Bill turned on the Canadian TV only to find this mysterious woman on channel 2.
Whoever it was - sure knew her way around the laundry room!
And for anyone who thought we were kidding about almost being assigned to Trump Tower --

We realized that the tall high-rise tower directly across the street had this name at the bottom.
So there....
Today we catch the noon train to Toronto.
We hope.

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