Saturday, October 14, 2017

We Visit More Sights in Venice on Friday

We had bought a two-day ticket on a water taxi on Thursday, so Friday we headed back into the Venice area for more sightseeing.

We hopped off on the nearby island of Murano that is famous for its glass making craftsmen.   We decided to check out this  factory above.

This is the factory floor with four experts showing us what they could do.  A young man gave us a brief explanation in broken English.

They brought each object out of the ovens on hollow poles and polished and shaped the glass by hand.
Not one wore gloves as they know what they could touch.  These two men were making a beautiful glass heart.
While we watched the whole process a worker created this horse that you see above.  Bill bought one to bring home at the gift shop.

We walked around the small island and found this huge sculpture made of glass (of course).

The shop windows had a truly amazing display of glass figures and miniature objects. 

Just like the rest of Venice this nearby island was full of canals and boats of all shapes and sizes.

We got back on the water taxi and hopped off back in Venice proper to see another museum.  The paintings by the Masters was worth the stop to behold. 

Here is Picasso's "Woman On The Beach"

Here is Karen with another Picasso painting she liked.

The paintings were stunning to behold up close to see the detail.

Here is Karen back at San Marco Square.

On the boat ride back to the ship Bill was awed by this private yacht  we passed.  It was called the Carsinthia VII and had a crew of 29.  It is owned by a German widow who apparently was married to a man who had some real money.  You can Google it if you are interested to see how the other half live around the World.

We also saw some river cruise ships like this that could give real meaning to the term "Long Boats."

We passed this boatyard where gondolas are repaired.

This is what a gondola looks like up-close.  Bill was too cheap to take a $800-Euro ride with Karen.
(Maybe next time!)
Venice is a city that we will remember for a very long time.

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