Thursday, February 2, 2023

A Unique Hardware Store and a Mystery is Solved (we think)


On a recent shopping trip into Mission, while Karen went into the HEB grocery store,  Bill wandered  down the street and came upon this rather unique hardware store.  Above is the street view.

This hardware store is in downtown Mission, Texas and not out in the country where one would expect to find such a retail store.

From the curbside view a person might believe it was a museum or curiosity shop,  but they would be wrong.  It is a hardware store.  We would have taken a photo or two inside but it was just too dark!

Now - back to the strange hexagon shaped enclosure that Bill found on a remote bike ride and put in our last blog post.   A dear high school classmate, who follows our blog, sent a message telling us what it probably really is.....  A Gaga Pit!

Gaga is a game that has many names! Gaga, Gaga Ball,  Ga-ga,  Octo-ball.  Whatever you call it – Gaga is a form of dodge ball that originated in Israel in the 1970s and spread when Israeli counselors brought the game to summer camps around the world. Players start in a “pit”, an octagon shaped court, hitting and rolling the ball with their hand to eliminate other players. When players are hit below the waist, they are out-but players can always re-enter the game by catching a ball from the sidelines.

Now you (like us) know the rest of the story!

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