Tuesday, February 7, 2023

A Trip to an Excellent Zoo

 On Friday, February 3rd, the weather was very cool so we took a road trip east to Brownsville and South Padre Island.  Our first stop was the public zoo in Brownsville that is one of our favorites, and maybe it was the cool weather - but many of the outside animals were putting on quite a show!

This king was broadcasting a roar every now and then just to show who was boss.

This alligator was smart enough to stay under his heat lamp.

The Flamingos were bright and loud.

This Bushmaster snake in the Reptile House is very difficult to see.  It would certainly be easy to step on out in the wild!

These camels only had one hump, but some others had two.

This Howler Monkey was putting on a high wire act and yelling the whole time.  He was very very entertaining.

Karen liked this toad.  Note:  It was not alive.

These two kangaroos were trying to impress the spectators by showing who was boss!  They were fun to watch as it was all pretty harmless.

We had a fun visit to the Gladys Porter Zoo and would go back again!

🐍 πŸ’ 🐊 πŸ† πŸ…


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