Monday, February 20, 2023

Karen's Baby Gets A Bath

 Early Saturday morning, 2-18-2023,  this red pickup showed up with a crew of three men who went right to work.

We hit a good day to have the trailer washed and waxed as there was little wind and the skies were clear.

They had a power washer, but most of the work was done by muscle and elbow grease.  The crew from "Chihuas" (their only crew and they spoke little English)  did a fine job.  We got a great $120 clean and wax and they all got a tip as well. 

On a recent morning bicycle trip into the nearby State Park, Bill ran into this rowdy group of Tom Turkeys out on patrol.  When they first saw him come around a bend they did not run away, but instead came running to protect their territory.

When they got close enough to size-up the situation they decided to call off the attack and instead retreated into the brush.  The turkeys are very large down here and mating season must be near.


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