Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Wandering Around Near Mission TX

There is more than one border wall down here along the Rio Grande River, and the one above is a private wall built a couple years ago to keep migrants from entering the USA and hiding in the fields of crops.  They had to be flushed out by the border patrol when detected, and valuable crops were damaged.  Therefore, the rich land owner had this shiny silver wall built.  Note how it spans the horizon into the trees.  It is about four miles long with a great concrete apron to ride a bike on if no one is looking!
Above, looking through the private wall, you can see the local tour boat chugging up stream in the Rio Grande on one of its two daily tours.  We have ridden the boat a few years ago, before most of the walls were built along the river near Mission and McAllen.

On one of Bill's recent exploratory bicycle rides into the nearby state park, he found a usual locked gate open so he ventured into some strange back roads.  After a few miles he came onto this group of vacant cabins.

In front of the buildings was this floating dock that was very unsteady and difficult  to walk on.   Across the lake you can see the State Park's normal launching dock for canoes and kayaks.

Tucked behind one of the cabins was the pen you see above.  It had sides that were about four feet high and there were portable benches under a canopy nearby.  We are still not sure for what purpose it was built - but it sure looked like it was a great place for dog and/or cock fights!!
(Just Guessing!)

🐶   🐶       🐓🐔

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