Thursday, February 23, 2023

Who Said Bike Rides Had to be Legal?

 About a mile from our RV campground is this huge water reservoir that was created by the city of Mission a couple of years ago.  When water conditions are healthy waters from the Rio Grande River are pumped in so it can be distributed to farm fields when needed.

Above you see the  reservoir in the distance over the canal that is connected to the river.  The small white building houses the pumps that control the water levels.

This is the signature sign and building from the entrance road.

Bill has ridden by the  reservoir numerous times on his bicycle and it is entirely fenced in with only one gate that has always been locked.

This sign next to the locked gate keeps unauthorized people out.

A few days ago Bill found the gate unlocked and saw no one around.... so he decided that it was a good chance to see the  reservoir up close.  This is the path from inside the fence as he rode around the man- made lake.  He was afraid that he might get arrested or locked in, but neither happened.



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