Friday, January 28, 2022

We Discover One of the Loud Night Creatures

We knew there were Great Horned Owls down here in Texas because, in most years, we have  heard their calls off in the distance at night while we were outside.  It has been different this year as we have been hearing a couple of owls so close and loud that their calls to each other come right through the walls of our RV.

On a recent daytime walk we noticed an object in this tree just the other side of the laundry room:

Can you see the dark bunch near the top-left?

The large clump looks like an inverted bee hive, but it is a Great Horned Owl who now perches here quite often.

Just like the small Screech Owl down the road, he/she stays here all day and seems to ignore the Human traffic down below.  However, yesterday we heard a loud racket nearby as two large hawks kept dive-bombing him/her to chase it away.  Owl 1 - Hawks - 0.  They soon gave up.  Size matters.

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