Thursday, January 27, 2022

Now We Know Where Alfred Hitchcock Got the Idea for His Movie

 Yesterday, we drove to downtown McAllen to do some shopping and have an evening dinner out.  It was getting dark when we left the restaurant and this is what we saw, above the streets, when we were done eating:

They were mainly long-tailed grackles but there were starlings and other black birds as well.

We do not know if it is the city lights that attract them or some other reason they hunker down there.

Perhaps they feel safe from predictors in the bright urban area??  We quickly decided that we would not ever want to leave our vehicle parked under any of these wires over night!  And this proves that birds of a feather really  - you know the rest...
🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦

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