Sunday, January 2, 2022

Many Football Bowls and Hot Weather to Start 2022

 Temperatures here in the Rio Grande Valley hit 92 degrees on New Years Day

The park had a "Polar Bear Plunge" at the swimming pool with hot dogs and chili, so we joined the group for lunch.  (The pool feels like dish water now but cooler weather is coming.)

Karen picked up her phone/camera and took these nature pictures below for the blog:

As you can see - flowers are in bloom.

We have seen a few Monarchs but these beautiful butterflies are different and plentiful.

Cooler weather on Sunday will be a refreshing change.

1 comment:

  1. Great butterfly shots!! The second one was caught in motion and it looks like the spots are flying off the wings! Enjoy!! Even 55 is better than the 20 we have today!!


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