Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Veggie Man Cometh

 Once a week, usually Tuesday afternoons, a local man drives into our RV park pulling a trailer and blowing his horn for all to hear.  He is known as the Veggie Man for a reason:

When he opens the sides of his trailer this is what it looks like (above).  People head his way with money in their hands because he has quite a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that he sells for reasonable prices.

He buys his goods wholesale, no doubt, from local markets - then sells them retail to various resorts like ours.

The proprietor is the fellow in the blue shirt, above, taking cash and bagging the goods.  He works alone.  Notice the small device at the right of the image.  First, he cuts the top and bottom off a pineapple, then he uses that device with one swipe to skin it.  Next he dices the inside up and slides the real fruit into a small bag.  The whole process takes about 30 seconds!  He said he sells about 175 pineapples each day!

🍍 🍍 🍍 🌽 πŸ… 🍎 πŸ‘

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