Sunday, January 30, 2022

A Type of Bird the Birders Seldom Talk About

 About a mile from our RV park here in southern Texas is the start of a walkng/bicyle path that takes a person out through the "boonies". The trail as about four miles long and terminates at a restroom/parking area.  Bill has ridden the trail three times, so far this year, and each time has seen some of these feathered creatures below:

Do you recognize it?  They have made it onto the blog before but we still find them fascinating to watch.  It is a Roadrunner - of course.

You can tell that their camouflage makes them difficult for the coyotes to find.  Most of the birders down here are normally pointing up with their fancy cameras,  but we like watching these birds down on the ground. as well.

Surprisingly, they are rather approachable as these birds along the trail seem to have lost much of their fear of Humans.  This one above acted like he wanted to pose to have his picture taken for the blog!
So it happened!

🐣   🐤   🐥

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