Monday, January 31, 2022

Sizing Up Texas

Each time we drive down here to the bottom of Texas we realize it is a long journey even after we hit the state line coming south.   But this map below really puts it into perspective:

The graphic shows 13 different U.S. states tucked inside Texas.  If you can zoom in you will see the name of the states on the left.  Now you know the rest of the story.

⛰    ⛱

After yesterdays games - it will be the L.A. Rams vs the Cincinnati Bengals in the Super Bowl in two weeks.


Sunday, January 30, 2022

A Type of Bird the Birders Seldom Talk About

 About a mile from our RV park here in southern Texas is the start of a walkng/bicyle path that takes a person out through the "boonies". The trail as about four miles long and terminates at a restroom/parking area.  Bill has ridden the trail three times, so far this year, and each time has seen some of these feathered creatures below:

Do you recognize it?  They have made it onto the blog before but we still find them fascinating to watch.  It is a Roadrunner - of course.

You can tell that their camouflage makes them difficult for the coyotes to find.  Most of the birders down here are normally pointing up with their fancy cameras,  but we like watching these birds down on the ground. as well.

Surprisingly, they are rather approachable as these birds along the trail seem to have lost much of their fear of Humans.  This one above acted like he wanted to pose to have his picture taken for the blog!
So it happened!

🐣   🐤   🐥

Saturday, January 29, 2022

A Service Delivery Just Like the Old Days

Do you see that white package in the driveway we now receive early every morning?

 It is "The Monitor" a seven-day newspaper that covers the Rio Grande Valley since 1909.  It costs only 75 cents per day and $1.50 on Sunday - delivered!  A great deal.  It is wrapped in plastic and stays dry in all weather.

This little rag not only has local news, state news, national news, and world news, but also good puzzles, editorials, and classifieds.  We subscribed - and now enjoy it every day for a very reasonable price!   Karen can complete the Sudoku puzzle every day like a pro.
(Show Off)


Friday, January 28, 2022

We Discover One of the Loud Night Creatures

We knew there were Great Horned Owls down here in Texas because, in most years, we have  heard their calls off in the distance at night while we were outside.  It has been different this year as we have been hearing a couple of owls so close and loud that their calls to each other come right through the walls of our RV.

On a recent daytime walk we noticed an object in this tree just the other side of the laundry room:

Can you see the dark bunch near the top-left?

The large clump looks like an inverted bee hive, but it is a Great Horned Owl who now perches here quite often.

Just like the small Screech Owl down the road, he/she stays here all day and seems to ignore the Human traffic down below.  However, yesterday we heard a loud racket nearby as two large hawks kept dive-bombing him/her to chase it away.  Owl 1 - Hawks - 0.  They soon gave up.  Size matters.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Now We Know Where Alfred Hitchcock Got the Idea for His Movie

 Yesterday, we drove to downtown McAllen to do some shopping and have an evening dinner out.  It was getting dark when we left the restaurant and this is what we saw, above the streets, when we were done eating:

They were mainly long-tailed grackles but there were starlings and other black birds as well.

We do not know if it is the city lights that attract them or some other reason they hunker down there.

Perhaps they feel safe from predictors in the bright urban area??  We quickly decided that we would not ever want to leave our vehicle parked under any of these wires over night!  And this proves that birds of a feather really  - you know the rest...
🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Different View Out Our Back Window This Year.

Whereas, in former years we used to watch the sun drop beneath the horizon  every evening from our back window.....

Now the sunlight gets filtered through the border wall, so the sun beams appear to be coming through the teeth of giant comb! (above and below)

As you can see, the relatively new border wall is only about 200 yards from our lot.  There is a chain link fence, a road and a canal between us and the wall.  It is still being constructed nearby by the state of Texas.


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Few Residents Need a Lawnmower Down Here?

 In this semi-arid area of Texas it takes a lot of black dirt, seed, sprinkling, and attention to have a green lawn of real grass.  Therefore, in one of the nicer neighborhoods of Mission you see plenty of yards like this:

Maybe not quite this fancy but you get the jest of it.

The decor is attractive but a person would not want to try walking through this yard at night!

Monday, January 24, 2022

A Covid Virus Update

 With the different variants of Covid that are starting to evolve - we thought it may be helpful to point out  this new one that was discovered northwest of us up in the Rocky Mountains:

Thank God the doctor on the left is standing by to evaluate the situation - so we can feel safe again!!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Veggie Man Cometh

 Once a week, usually Tuesday afternoons, a local man drives into our RV park pulling a trailer and blowing his horn for all to hear.  He is known as the Veggie Man for a reason:

When he opens the sides of his trailer this is what it looks like (above).  People head his way with money in their hands because he has quite a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that he sells for reasonable prices.

He buys his goods wholesale, no doubt, from local markets - then sells them retail to various resorts like ours.

The proprietor is the fellow in the blue shirt, above, taking cash and bagging the goods.  He works alone.  Notice the small device at the right of the image.  First, he cuts the top and bottom off a pineapple, then he uses that device with one swipe to skin it.  Next he dices the inside up and slides the real fruit into a small bag.  The whole process takes about 30 seconds!  He said he sells about 175 pineapples each day!

🍍 🍍 🍍 🌽 🍅 🍎 🍑

Saturday, January 22, 2022

A Quick Refresher on Our Texas Location

Our two-month winter stay this year is again at Bentsen Palm Village RV Resort -->      near Mission, Texas.  We are only about a half-mile from the Rio Grande River and Mexico.  It is a relatively small resort, as far as south Texas resorts go, but it is modern with only full hookups.

Our resort is next door to this Texas State Park which is a World Birding Center.  We can get a free pass into the state park anytime while staying here.  Birders from all over the world come here because of the huge variety of birds one can see.

Unfortunately, people are not the only creatures that like birds!  These signs are a reminder to watch where you are stepping when you are exploring this state park.

🐀 🐉 🐗 🐜 🐛 🐝

Friday, January 21, 2022

Another Saturday Morning Craft Show

 A  Mission RV resort, down the road, sponsored a craft show last Saturday that we decided to check out.  Kind of like a large garage sale, one never knows what he/she may find.  Skilled craftspeople from various RV parks are invited to peddle their wares, for a small fee, of course.

This old boy above, in the brown shirt, was a very skilled woodworker.  He had a delicate touch with a band saw and made dog puzzles of almost any/every breed.  Horses too.  If you did not see your pet on display - you only had to ask him and he would created it for you in a week for $15.00.

🐺  🐶  🐴

Thursday, January 20, 2022

A Pet That Needs Very Little Care and Attention

 This motor home is parked next to us, and their dog is never a bother.

It didn't take long to figure out why he was so quiet and well-behaved...
He is a window decal - a good one!


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Finally - A Texas Road Sign that We Can Understand

 The other day we noticed this parking sign in the RV park near the front of a driveway,,,

We have not seen any vehicles parked nearby so it must be doing its intended job.

🐸  🐸  🐸

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

We Don't Need You Anymore

 The last two times we spent the winter months in Texas we sometimes visited the kiosk below that is down the road in front of the Dollar General.  We joined their membership, and maybe once a week would rent a DVD to watch - then return it the next day.

Now, with our almost unlimited data available from Verizon and a phone hot spot, as well as our ROKU, we have access to not only all the football games, but also Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney Plus.

Other than the nightly news and Jeopardy - we do not watch much TV down here.  But when we feel the urge, we have plenty to choose from without a trip down to Redbox.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Only In Texas!!

Bill recently rode his bicycle to a store to buy lottery tickets for Karen and picked up the local, daily 75- cent newspaper.

Inside, we could not help but to notice this ad, below, that we had never seen before:

At first we thought it was a joke.......but it was not.
Down here they may even provide the same service for handguns.

💵    💼

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Big Winnings at the Saturday Evening Card Bingo Table

 Nancy and Phil Smoker, from Vicksburg, came over from their Mission, Texas RV park to play card bingo with us at our clubhouse on Saturday.  As a quick refresher - everyone brings 4 dimes, 4 quarters, and three dollars, and eleven games of card bingo are played.  Last night there were 52 participants.


Above are two happy winners back in the camper at the end of the night.  Nancy won a quarter game for 52 quarters and Bill, for the first time, won one of the three dollar games - for $52.00.

Not bad for a fun evening of gambling!

 💰     🎉     💲

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Big Brother is Watching - and Tells You Where You Have Been

 This graphic below showed up in our email today, out of the blue, from Google:

It shows us an encapsulated picture of our travel routes in 2021.  As you can see it includes our trip to Montana in the Spring, our trip on the upper Mississippi River in the Fall, as well as our drive to south Texas at the end of December.  Not bad during another pandemic year, just risky?

No wonder criminals use burner, or throw away phones, when they are out and about committing crimes.

 📞  💰

Friday, January 14, 2022

You Might Go Hog Wild Seeing this Blog Post

 A Peccary, or Javelina in Spanish,  is a medium-sized pig-like hoofed mammal.  They live in many places including this southern area of Texas, are active at night, and we occasionally see a dead one along the road.

This is a Peccary.

Next is a video you might find interesting if you have not seen it.

We are not sure where this farm harvest took place but it shows how prolific these creatures can be.

🐗  🐗  🐗  🐗  🐗

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Winter Texans at Playtime

 On Wednesday afternoons not only does the food truck come to the park .....

but it is also Margarita Night where margaritas are on sale for $3 dollars each.

With loud music playing in the background -

After a drink or two these seniors think they are kids again.

Can't you tell??


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Good Advice

 We thought the sign on the front of this golf cart makes a lot of sense.:

The way that some people drive - it is sound safety advice for the rider to follow.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

How About Them Dogs!!

Thanks again to the non-understood wonders of today's technology...

and a little luck

last night we were able to get our ROKU to hook to our phone's hot spot and into our Spectrum home account to watch the NCAA Final National Championship Football game in our travel trailer.

Karen was cheering for the Georgia Bulldogs, and Bill was pulling for the Alabama Crimson Tide.
Karen's team won:  33 to 18.
It was a fun night.

🏈  🐕 🏆

Monday, January 10, 2022

Success In the Bedroom.....

 With a good bit of teamwork, and only a few choice cuss words, we managed to get the new heavy mattress into the RV, out of the box, opened up, and spread out on top of the old one. 

It was built in the USA and had almost no smell.  Also - 

 It fit!!!

It is soft and luxurious compared to the old one.

No more sore hips in the morning, hopefully.


Sunday, January 9, 2022

And the Project for Today is....

 Karen has been shopping on the internet, and this package below arrived at the RV park office on Saturday via FedEx....

It is a new mattress for our bed as the old one is quite thin and hard on one's hips.
It is heavy and awkward to carry but we plan to open it up, air it out, and install it today on top of the old mattress. 
Wish Us Luck!

Saturday, January 8, 2022

A Camera Attraction in our Park

Not far from our site in the park we noticed that people were sometimes stopping and looking up at a palm tree along the road.  Upon closer inspection we saw what was drawing all the attention.

This little owl seems to be unaffected by all the attention as he/she is about twenty feet above the ground.

This small owl is perched in the palm tree every day, but we doubt we would see it there all night.
Maybe it likes all the attention it is getting!
Whoooooo knows?????

Friday, January 7, 2022

Good Advice This Time of Year

We could not help but notice that the temperature back home this Friday morning was 3 degrees.  We have also seen on the recent news that there have been some pretty decent snowstorms across the Northeast United States.  The snow has caused numerous traffic accidents and delays.

Therefore, we pass along this advice to any who are not still working:

We have found that these instructions work pretty well.


Thursday, January 6, 2022

A New Wednesday Afternoon Park Guest

Just what we needed!  

A weekly Wednesday hot food truck.

Pretty fancy - right??

It serves up hot beef brisket tacos, chicken tacos, stuffed baked potato, and beef and chicken nachos.

It only serves food from its widow for a couple of hours and is gone.  No drinks no frills.  A Ma and Pa business, no doubt.

Of course we had to try it.

Not bad, but Karen says we won't hurry back next week.

🌽 🍛🍖

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Military Graves and Their Christmas Greens

 After a couple of very cool nights the weather in the bottom of Texas is warming back up.  We have both started riding our bicycles for fun, exercise and adventure.

Bill likes to venture of his bike farther outside of the RV park and recently noticed that the graves of fallen soldiers in the Rio Grande Valley State Veterans Cemetery were still wearing their Holiday Decor.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Humpty Dumpty Has a New Place to Sit Across The Road

 We now have a new obstacle blocking our view of the sunsets each evening.  As you can see, the border wall  is just across the road from where our trailer is parked.

Two years ago, when we were last here, there was no wall at all.

The current wall is now only about a quarter of a mile long, at this location, but as you can see above - construction is ongoing.  We do not know who/what is paying for it, but plan to find out.
More to come in the future.

Monday, January 3, 2022

The New Year Brings In Different Weather

 We awoke Sunday morning to a howling wind that was shaking the trailer and dropping temperatures outside.  We saw wind gusts of up to 45 MPH and a high temp of only 55 degrees.  Quite a difference from the high of 92 degrees the day before!

  People taking walks were wearing stocking hats and gloves.

When we walked around the neighborhood outside the park we again noticed the Christmas decorations - with a Texas spin.  
Poor Santa.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Many Football Bowls and Hot Weather to Start 2022

 Temperatures here in the Rio Grande Valley hit 92 degrees on New Years Day

The park had a "Polar Bear Plunge" at the swimming pool with hot dogs and chili, so we joined the group for lunch.  (The pool feels like dish water now but cooler weather is coming.)

Karen picked up her phone/camera and took these nature pictures below for the blog:

As you can see - flowers are in bloom.

We have seen a few Monarchs but these beautiful butterflies are different and plentiful.

Cooler weather on Sunday will be a refreshing change.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

A Tough Night of Football - But Happy New Year to 2022

Our RV park has cable TV hookups included in the lot rent, but we soon found out that the service presented a major problem for us:

No ESPN channel to watch college football.  Therefore, we had figure out how to  connect to ESPN or go rent a motel room for Friday evening to watch the college playoffs.

Luckily, Bill happened to bring along one of our ROKU devices.  A ROKU  connection makes any TV into a "smart" TV that will connect to the internet.  With a few calls to Charter/Spectrum and some password updates - we were up and running in our travel trailer at no extra cost.

Now for the bad news - Georgia walloped Michigan 34 - 11 in the Orange Bowl.  Ouch!

Hopefully the Wolverines will be back again next year,
