Tuesday, January 15, 2019

We Visit a Yuma Date Farm

We met a Michigan couple from Coldwater  named Mike and Betty who asked us to join them for a tour of a nearby Date farm.  The farm catered to tourists and gave $10 tours.
We accepted the invitation.
Martha's Gardens is located a few miles out of town so on Monday morning we met a small group there to check it out.

After a short introductory speech we hopped on the trailer with about a dozen other tourists for a guided tour of the orchard/grove of date palms.

Here is our young tour guide who was one of the owner's sons.  Martha is his mother.  He drove the tractor and stopped at various places to explain how organic Medjool Dates are grown, harvested, packed, and shipped.  Like so many people down here he was bilingual in English and Spanish.

The tour took 1-1/2 hours.  He answered many questions.  The farm has 8000 trees and each tree gets 150 gallons of water each day.  The trees are pollinated by hand, and each tree produces approximately 300 pounds of dates.  This is the nursery above and the white cloth protects the young trees from the hot summer sun before they get transplanted.

The farm has a nice retail store at the end of the tour with many sweet goodies to purchase.

Martha's Garden even has a small food counter in the store where you can buy lunch, or try one of their award-winning Date Shakes.
They were yummy!

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