Friday, January 11, 2019

A Night Out on the Town ...(Yuma That Is)

On Thursday afternoon we left the safe confines of our RV park to drive west about seven miles into  Historic Downtown Yuma.

The old Historic Yuma Theater was hosting "One of These Nights" an Eagles Tribute.
We got excellent second and third row seat on the internet  (close, but we could not sit next to each other) so we decided to give it a look.

We had dinner across the street from the theater at Lutes Casino Restaurant.  It was no longer a casino but we were told that it was the 6th oldest restaurant in Arizona.
As you can tell by the decor, it was a rather unique place.
The food was good but nothing to match the splendid atmosphere.  Note the barber pole in the middle of the photo above as well as the Blue Marlin on the ceiling.

For the price of $25 the band of six old guys was better than we expected, and our seats were great.  The group covered pretty much all the Eagles songs and never took a break.  We made it back to our RV park before they locked the gates at 10 PM so we still have not had to use our secret gate code.
It was a memorable evening in Old Yuma.

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