Saturday, January 26, 2019

RV Travel Pets

Fortuna De Oro RV park has three dog run pens.  They are almost always being used: day or night by someone and their pet(s).  
On our bicycle rides we often stop at the runs to see what kind of dogs are present and how they are behaving.  We see expensive purebreds and adopted mutts and everything in between.

Some dogs play together and use their time as social hour.  Others are loners.  Once in a while we see a skirmish break out as the pack mentality kicks in and a dog decides to show who is the alpha of the run that day.  Dog owners here are meticulous about picking up after their animals so we never have to watch where we are walking along the streets.

But for a truly no-fuss pet...... is hard to beat this one.  It is a stuffed chicken.  Yes stuffed!

We have not had a chance to talk to the owner about the chicken, so we do not know why or how this chicken became a traveling pet.  Some things are for sure,,,it does not eat much, need much exercise, and the owner does not have to pick up after it.
To Each His Own!!!

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