Sunday, November 5, 2023

We Disembark Into Panama City

 On Saturday evening, 11/04/23 we were given a slide presentation of the sights tourists usually get to see in Panama City - or Colon - by our ship cruise director.  However he gave us some bad news......

Due to unrest and protests by the native people here, all Panama excursions from our ship were cancelled.  The locals are protesting a new government agreement that gives Canada  a twenty-year exclusive right to mineral mining.  Unfortunately for us, we had already paid for a full-day train trip across to the Pacific  Ocean and back.  Viking says we will get our $400 back - but darn!

We did get to disembark Sunday morning into a large mall full of duty free shops

Just outside the ship were were greeted by this native musical group and we donated a few bucks to take their picture.

The native people had some impressive tattoos as you can see on this man's back

The duty-free shops were full of more liquor than either of us had seen before in one place.  We could not visit the city proper but made the best we could with the duty-free shopping.  We leave Panama Sunday afternoon at 4:00 PM.


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