Saturday, November 4, 2023

Saturday Morning We Wake Up in Panama

 When we awoke Saturday morning, the sun was shining and this tug, above, is what we saw below our balcony leading us into the famous Panama Canal. 

It did not take long before we entered our first lock as we were heading west.  Because we live not far from Sault Ste. Marie, back in Michigan, the workings of nautical locks are no mystery to us.

As we were leaving our lock this large container ship was coming in eastbound for the Atlantic.

We sailed into a lake which serves as a parking lot for ships coming, going and waiting their turn in line.

We really hoped we did not park too close to this ship if the "L P G" on its hull stood for "Liquefied Petroleum Gas"!!

We were told by our captain that approximately 35-40 ships go through the Panama Canal each day for a total of about 14,000 vessels per year.  The length of the Canal is about 40 miles.



1 comment:

  1. Great photos!! Tell Bill that Dan and Mary Lou DeGraw were right there in the Panama Canal with you, but heading east. Their ship was called the Ruby Princess.


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