Friday, November 10, 2023

Belize City, Belize

 Thursday, November 9th, we watched the sun rise as we entered the harbor at Belize City.  Belize is the only central America country that we visit in which  English is the official language.

We were booked for a tour of the ruins at Atun Ha, an ancient Mayan city in the jungle.
The Mayan site was about a 90 minute bus ride from town through the Belize countryside.  Above is a tomb of a princess.

Here is our native tour guide who spoke excellent English.

The ruins were not discovered until 1967 as they were covered by thick jungle.

We were told that a large civilization lived here for 5000 years -- and then vanished.

Note this photo of Bill before he did something really stupid.  See the tall temple-pyramid behind him.
Well guess what you could climb with the tour guide?? If bold enough.

So - just like the swinging bridge back a few days - Bill thought he could handle such a climb/adventure.

He got to the top that was flat as a pool table with no guardrails around.  Here is proof.  Trouble is he started feeling shaky and unstable.  He calmed down - and made it back down without crawling on his hands and knees.  Whew.  Oh well!  Some people live but don't learn.

Belize City must have very wild and crazy nightlife, as here is proof that there are swingers downtown.

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