Tuesday, November 7, 2023

A River Trip Into Costa Rica

 Monday morning we tied up in Puerto Limon, Costa Rica which is a small town in a small country just north of Panama.  As soon as we left the town on our bus, we began to see thick jungle like this below:

There is a monkey up there in the leaves  but he/she is difficult to see.  Our guide said there is now strict rules against cutting down trees without a permit.

After about an hour bus ride we boarded a pontoon boat like this for a river-wildlife tour.  We had an excellent native tour guide and we did see a few jungle creatures.  He was good about answering any  questions that came up, and he did not have to drive the boat while he talked.

Most of the creatures were partially hidden by jungle, but this sloth did not mind a snapshot.

Neither did this sloth that was sleeping when we floated by.

This large green lizard was ready to fun for cover.  Many birds flew overhead and we saw no snakes or turtles.

When we got back to the ship we strolled through a large souvenir shop, then Karen stopped to tip this reggae band that played all day in the hot weather.  They were talented musicians.

This guy was trying to hitch a ride on our boat but Karen just ignored him.




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