Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Temperature is Rising and the Old Folks Are Acting Like Kids Again

Daytime temperatures have risen into the 80's for the last two days, and the 10-day forecast calls for a lot more of the same.  The park is filling up with snow birds and we are seeing more senior activity each day.
This spirited group meets for a competitive game of water volleyball each morning at the smaller south pool .  They do not exactly play by NCAA rules, but they do rotate their positions and they do have a splashing good time.
Happy hour at the north pool is getting so crowded that you almost need a reservation to get into the water and hot tub when the small bands are playing.
A grassy spot by the pool has now been turned into a full-blown cornhole court for some lively games during happy hour each day.  We'll tell you - plenty of these old fogies are acting like college kids on spring break.  Delightful!

The daily sunshine in Yuma is excellent for outside activities as well as attitude, for sure.
Maybe it has something to do with the Full  - Blue- Super moon last night!

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