Friday, January 26, 2018

Playing Cards in Arizona

Do you know what this is?
It is what your playing hand might look like at the start of "Card Bingo".  Our RV park recently hosted a once-a-month Saturday tournament.  It cost $3.10 to enter and 81 people showed up.  Each player gets a deck of cards and picks any 13 cards for each game.  The announcer shuffles her deck and keeps calling out cards one-at-a-time.  If you match hers and turn over all of your cards first - you win.
Karen won one of the games - and 81 quarters!  
How about Pinochle?
We recently tried the twice-a-week Pinochle group.  We were surprised to find that they play a "Western Version" of Pinochle here that is different than we play in Michigan.  It is single-deck, but if you win the bid you call trump and your partner passes you four cards.  After you pass four back you play pretty much the same.  Bidding starts at 26 and if it is dropped on you you get it for 25.
We struggled with the new rules and strategy, but we were still recruited to come play at a Sunday tournament when the planner was two people short to make even four-somes.  We got to play as partners and we did not get the losers' trophy.
Yea!  Whew!!

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