Monday, February 3, 2020

The Chiefs Win -- and We Didn't

We joined the small crowd at the clubhouse for the Super Bowl Bash Sunday afternoon.  There was plenty of beer, food, and gambling so we fit right in.

This was one of the two game boards for sale.  A square was $1.00 so we each bought five.  Instead of names they put down your RV site number when you paid.

When full, the boards were posted below the TV for all to see.  Each board paid $25 per quarter.  Above is Karen checking our numbers before the game started.

The party was simple but fun.  The burgers were tasty and the beer was cold.  Above top right you can see the keg being pumped for the $2 beers being sold.  The Chiefs beat the 49ers 31-20 and we did not win a square. 
 Maybe next time.

1 comment:

  1. That's because we weren't there!!! One of us seems to win something when we are together!


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