Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Dog-Friendly RV Park

Pretty much all private RV parks have enclosed areas that allow dogs to be taken off their leashes, and allowed to run, mingle and play.  Just like with people, however, some canines have poor social skills and fights can break out.

Here at Bentsen Palm Village there is a  a fork at the gate going into the dog pens where a choice has to be made if you bring in your dog to run unchained.

 Straight ahead a dog owner sees this sign on the gate.
and.... the right one sees this sign on another gate.
From what we have observed - we are not sure which dogs are being protected from the bullies.   We have seen a few small dogs wanting to be dominant, wanting to fight, and not realizing their relative size.  Conversely,  there are some large docile dogs that only want to play.
🐶  🐺 

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