Monday, February 10, 2020

Strange Farming Method in the Rio Grande Valley

In this dry region of  South Texas water is precious and closely regulated.  Instead of mechanical irrigation systems that spray water on fields and crops, they irrigate another way.
Most fields are table-top flat.  First a small trench is dug around the parameter of a field like you see happening above.

 Above you see a field being prepared for irrigation.  Next smaller furrows are dug down the middle of the fields.

Next water is poured into the perimeter trenches from hydrants through large tubes.
(Note:  In the background you can see smoke from a sugar cane crop being burned off.)

 The filling water is clear and pure.  It must me coming from a deep well or water tower.  It is too clean to be coming from the river or a nearby canal.

When the perimeter furrows are full,  the water then flows into the middle furrows so the entire field gets moisture.  We have not figured out what purpose the small black tubes serve?

There is no crops planted yet, and we do not know what will be planted.  The dirt will soon dry up again, but apparently this early bath of water will help the future crops.

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