Friday, February 9, 2018

Truck Problems and A Day At the Mall

On Thursday morning we packed up the goods and moved to a different site at the Pala Casino RV Resort.  The move went okay but our truck started having electrical issues.  It was flashing various warning messages and did not seem to be shifting properly.  We had planned to go grocery shopping up the road in the city of Temecula anyway, so we headed for the Chevrolet Dealer there.

We dropped off the truck and took their shuttle to the mall to kill time while the pickup was being analyzed and repaired..  The mall was very large and we walked through, and past, many a store.  After a couple of hours the truck was fixed and we were returned to the dealership.  We then bought groceries at Albertsons and made it back to the trailer at dusk.  It was a day pretty much wasted, but our truck is running much better now.

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