Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Rock Hounds, Tough Cacti and Dry Campers

 Quartzsite has become a mecca to visitors and exhibitors for rocks, gems, mineral specimens and fossils during the town's famous winter gem shows.  We are not enthusiastic rock collectors but we decided to hike out into the desert and see what we could find.

It was a cool and windy day but we drove north about ten miles out of town and started our hunt for rocks and fossils and whatever.
We stomped over some interesting public lands;  (BLM lands out here for Bureau of Land Management) but we found few rocks/gems of note.  Not even any gold!

We did find out just how tough a cactus can be.  Note the large pile of lava rock above.
When you look close..... will notice this baby cactus hanging on to a tiny ledge in the rock for dear life.

All around Quartzsite we were surprised to see hundreds of RVs that were just driven out into the desert and parked. 

These winter visitors just fill up their tanks with water, drive out and live off their battery power.
"Dry Camping" is what it is called.  It is a cheap way to spend time in the southwest and it is legal in posted areas of the public lands.

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