Saturday, February 17, 2018

A Bike Ride Through the 1% Houses

Indio, California, where we are staying, is a pretty well-to-do town by Michigan standards.  However, down Highway 111 west toward Palm Springs the real estate values rise steeply.  On Friday Bill loaded up his bicycle and decided to check out some of the towns while Karen did laundry.
(Karen needed some "alone time" with the washing machines and dryers)
Indian Wells was impressive so the bicycle trip started there.
The eight-feet wide sidewalk/bike trails were smooth as you pass gated community after gated community.
This was a typical common area in one of the neighborhoods.
This was the main gate to one of the county clubs along Highway 111.
Without exaggeration, you can ride or walk for miles along this trail and never see a dandelion or a weed of any kind.  Beautiful landscapes and flower gardens were everywhere.
Bill came across this small memorial park honoring military personnel from the local area.
The memorial was built to honor the fallen.  By reading some of the plaques, Bill was surprised to find out that Dwight Eisenhower had a winter retirement home nearby in Indian Wells, California.  Eisenhower loved to play golf.

Bill had a memorable bike ride on another beautiful warm day - as he got to see where the rich folk come to play.

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