Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Day in the Hill Country of Texas

The skies cleared and the temperature rose to 76 degrees on Christmas Day.  The RV park was not very full, and we were surprised that travelers continued to come and go throughout the day with their various vehicles.
This large blow-up display shows that Texans may lack snow but they are not lacking in Christmas spirit.  See Santa peeking out.
We took an afternoon drive through town and noticed this unique Christmas tree in front of a tire store.  It must be very pretty at night but we did not go back to check.
Our Christmas sight-seeing drive took us to a scenic overlook just outside of Junction.  Karen took this photo of Bill under the huge United States flag. As you can see - it was a warm windy day.  When we returned to camp Karen cooked a delicious Christmas dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing and cranberry sauce.  The papers say Michigan may break high temperature records on Monday so this weather is headed your way.

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