Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Eve

We got up early Saturday morning in Wichita Falls, Texas to complete our last 300 miles south to our trailer.  The fog for the first 1-1/2 hours of driving was so thick that Bill almost had to go to four-wheel drive to get through it on the secondary roads we had to travel.  Nevertheless, we made it to Pecan Valley RV Park shortly after lunch and hooked up.
Because we need cable TV to watch the Lions Game on Monday night, we pulled Edgewater back into Junction, Texas to the North Llano River RV Park.  The sky was overcast, but the temperature was 70 degrees as we unpacked.  We found the trailer to be in very good shape after sitting for the last ten months.  No signs of mice, snakes, or ants which was a nice Christmas present for us.

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