Friday, December 30, 2016

A Day Trip Into the Wild

Friday was cool and overcast so we decided to drive west on Route 90 to see a few sights.  About 30 miles out we entered Seminole Canyon State Park and Historic Site.  Twice daily park rangers give guided tours of the protected canyon, so we paid our $8.00 fee (each) and joined the 10 AM tour.

The canyon was formed over thousands of years by a tributary flowing into the nearby Pecos River.

We walked down steep rock steps to get to the bottom of the canyon.  Here is our tour guide. You can see the visitor center above where we started our trek.

We were with a group of approximately 25 people and all made it back safely. (we think)

Here are  few of the ancient pictographs we saw under the overhanging cliffs of the canyon.  Visitors can only see them with the guided tours - to protect them from vandalism.

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