Friday, May 3, 2024

The UnZoo

The next morning after visiting Port Arthur we drove about twenty miles back north to a very unique zoo.  It was raining when we arrived but we stuck around until the weather turned to a drizzle and toughed it out.  We were glad that we did.

You see, the UnZoo is unique because it has a few captive Tasmanian Devils.  Above is our guide who spent about an hour with us and answered all our questions.

Our guide had some stinky roadkill kangaroo meat in a  bucket, so guess who came out when he rang the dinner bell?  Note the chewed up and doctored tail.

Very quickly his "alpha" brother showed up and we got to see why the first one had a chewed up tail.
They fought a bit and the first one retreated, but came back for dinner where we watched him run away with the meat and hide.

After watching the Devils we were allowed into a huge kangaroo pen where the inhabitants came out for some easy feed and back scratches.  Above, Karen found a new friend for a while.

Not to be outdone, Bill and Francis showed off their feeding and scratching skills.

We found out how gentle kangaroos can be.  Look at this one sharing dinner with his favorite goose buddy.

On our way out of the UnZoo we passed this graveyard where five Tasmanian Devils had been laid to rest.  A disease is currently killing Tasmania Devils in the wild, but animals in this zoo are isolated and still healthy.  The UnZoo was really fun.


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