Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Sydney Part 2

 On our second, and last full day at Sydney, we hopped back on a bus that took us to the famous Australian Museum downtown.

Here are Francis and Karen at the museum entrance so you can guess who took this picture.
The museum was easy to find with these two giant fellows out front.

There were thousands of excellent displays like these two Pachyderms.

Here is a giant turtle with his outer shell removed.
After many years of wonder, we finally found out where the Lone Ranger and his horse, Silver, ended up after they died.

In the museum gift shop, Bill found these spotted rocks for sale.  He thought they were rather interesting.

On Sunday, May 5 we had to get up very early with our bags all packed to catch a ride to the airport for another $100 taxi fee.  We left Sydney for LA at 9 A.M. and ran into problems.  The last blog on this Australian trip will explain.

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