Saturday, October 23, 2021

We Say Goodbye to the Upper Mississippi - The Party's Over (for now)

 On Thursday, October 21, evening we all put our luggage outside our cabin doors to be picked up and moved to the buses.  After a very early breakfast we vacated our rooms and disembarked.  Our bus carried us from Red Wing to the Minneapolis Airport.  We were told that the reason we did not continue sailing upstream to St. Paul was because the river depth was too shallow due to lack of rain.

Bob Grunst picked us up at the airport and gave us a quick tour of the city nearby.  Bob is a friend of Bill's from their old college days and a retired college professor who now lives in St. Paul with his wife, Sue.  We wanted to see the largest shopping mall in North America so here it is above.  It was still quite early so we did not go in to do any shopping, but instead headed for Frederic after dropping Bob at home.

It has been a fun trip with great weather and we will miss our cozy cabins on the water- each with its own balcony.  As well as.......

Happy hour each evening at 5:30 with live music and...

... a table of hors d'oeuvres  (Francis loved the shrimp) ...........and..

....... a great stocked bar and trained bar tenders with any top-shelf liquor or drink a person might want.
(all included in the price)

Just like currently in Michigan, we saw signs like this above in all the cities in which we stopped.

One mystery that was never solved for us was how the Red Wing Shoe logo, above,  turned out to be so similar to the logo of our beloved hockey team in Detroit????? (Go Wings!)

We had a very fun and educational trip with our neighbor and friend, Francis, on American Cruise Lines, and would recommend American to anyone who would like to try a smaller boat in which to cruise.




  1. Hi Bill & Karen....this is Linda Hummel, Francis's sister. He shared the link to your blog and I've thoroughly enjoyed going through your daily posts of your Mississippi trip. It looks like you had lots of fun and saw lots of things. Francis told me he really enjoyed himself and so appreciated traveling with you both. I hope he was a good companion! When I asked him what he liked most - the dairy farm and visits related to 'equipment'...of course he would. He did tell me that "there were alot of Happy Hours"...I'm not exactly sure what he was referring to about 'a lot'. Isn't there just one a day? :)
    I'm sending good wishes to both of you. Take care. best, Linda

    1. Linda:

      Thank you for your blog comment. If this is a late reply please excuse us as the snow up here has been keeping us busy. Francis was a fine traveling companion and fun to have along. We hope we did not expose him to too many of our vices: you know he has a "sweet tooth" and now he may like a shot of Baileys Irish Cream on ice after dinner almost as much as he likes Jack Hammers before dinner. We all enjoyed the daily happy hours on the boat and we did tend to expand them sometimes into the evenings' showtime entertainment. Our next cruise is in October 2022 on the Columbia River out west and he knows he is welcome to come along if he chooses. Say Hi to David for us. Bill and Karen


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