Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Dubuque, Iowa - Another Beautiful River City

 This is what our boat, American Melody, looks like from the bow at most of our river ports when we dock:

And this is how we needed to dock on Tuesday morning in Dubuque:  (below)

After another delicious breakfast on the ship we boarded a hop-on hop-off bus for a tour of the city.

We climbed off here - at the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium, and it was a very good decision.   The exhibits were fantastic and a pleasure to see and experience.
These three volunteers were our tour guides.  (just kidding)

This big blue fish stood guard in front of a very-old paddle wheel tug boat that was open to the public to explore - and we did.

This aquarium full of diamond-back water snakes was really unusual and special to observe.  The weather again was excellent so it was another pleasant day on the Mississippi as we make our way north.


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