Saturday, February 9, 2019

Annual Pet Parade for Charity in our RV Park

The weather turned cloudy and cool on Friday but the annual pet parade was staged anyway in our RV park with all proceeds benefiting  the Cinderella Pet Rescue Center.   The center is a no-kill animal shelter nearby.
People dressed up their dogs and entered them into the parade for judging.

Many local businesses donated items for raffle drawings, and many residents of the park brought baked goods and other items to sell or raffle off.  There were hot dogs and beer for sale as well as a 50-50 drawing at the end.

It cost $10 to enter your pet into the parade, and it cost everyone else $1 to vote for your favorite dog.  Multiple votes were encouraged!

This K-9 is a butterfly.   Can you tell?

Here is the Cinderella Pet Rescue bus that showed up with a few of its dogs looking for good homes.  The homeless dogs were showed around by volunteers and at least one was adopted on the spot by a park resident.  The pet event raised a little over its $5000 goal, so the amount was matched  by another organization.  We joined in the fun, bought some tickets, ate a hot dog,  bought some cookies, (of course), and voted for our favorite parade dogs.  However, we did not win a raffle prize or the 50-50 drawing.  Darn!
It was a fun afternoon well spent out in the cold and the event raised $10,000 total.

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