Thursday, February 7, 2019

A Kayak Trip in the State Park

Twice a week our RV park here in Mission, Texas offers  small kayak trips for any guests who are interested.  Bill signed up and joined a group of five others on Wednesday.
For the last four days the temperature has risen into the mid-80's but the skies have been cloudy.  Wednesday was no exception with lots of wind as well.  The lake is surrounded by plenty of Palm trees so the wind was not a problem for the kayaks.

These trips come with little fanfare, rules or instructions.   Our guide just pushed each of us out and said be back in two hours.  The lake (or Resaca) is about a mile long.  The water was murky but full of fish and turtles with plenty of birds in the air above.

Two unusual birds that Bill saw were a Neotropic Cormorant and a Green Kingfisher.  Neither bird ever makes it to Michigan as far as we know.  All the boaters made it back to the launch site  safely, and on time with no complications.  It was a fun morning to paddle and explore.

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