Thursday, December 27, 2018

We Make It To Yuma A Day After Christmas

There had been a light snow in Central Utah overnight, but we hit the road shortly after dawn on December 26.  Some of the hills were slippery but in general, the roads were not bad.  Driving south on Interstate 15 toward Las Vegas took us into a small piece of northwest Arizona, then into Nevada, then California and finally back into Arizona.  Therefore, we drove in four different states on Wednesday to reach our destination of Yuma, Arizona.
We stopped to get gas in Nevada and Karen disappeared.  Bill asked this fellow if he had seen her.  He said to see the fortune teller who knew everything.

Bill found this old  guy who was happy to locate Karen for just a few dollars!

Sure enough, Bill found Karen inside a Nevada casino doing what she loves to do!  However, she did not leave Nevada any richer.

As the sun was setting, we arrived in Yuma after four days of driving, 2500 miles,  and some beautiful western sights.

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