Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas from Golden, Colorado

Christmas morning finds us in a motel in Golden, which is a suburb or Denver.   So far the weather has been excellent for travel into the West.  Yesterday we got off Interstate 80 for about sixty miles to travel Route 30 in Nebraska which closely follows the original Oregon Trail.
We were surprised to see this massive pile of shelled corn in Nebraska.  Perhaps it will be covered later to protect it from the weather?

We stopped along the Oregon Trail to see a small recreation of a pioneer settlement.
This log cabin once protected a proud family out here in the prairie.
Notice the Christmas Wreath.
This  schoolhouse and church were moved  together for visitors to explore,
We traveled the Oregon Trail from Kearney to North Platte and then jumped back on I-80 to make better time.

Merry Christmas from Bill and Karen!

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