Friday, March 4, 2016

Pecan Valley RV Park near Junction

The North Branch of the Llano River turned out to be as clear and the South Branch, but it was shallow.  When Bill went to check it out this is what he found:
It turned out that a "hippie" type couple were staying at the Park for a few days in an old Winnebago.  They liked to come down to the river where he played guitar while she rowed around in the small inflatable boat that you see downstream.   She usually had a beer and he was high on something!
Just across the river were the remains of this very old windmill.  It must have been put up at that location  because the banks were too steep there for livestock to get down to the river to drink.

On one of his bicycle rides Bill came across this little critter working next to the road.  The Armadillo is very much like an opossum with armor!

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