Monday, March 7, 2016

From Daffodils to Snowdrifts - We Make it Home

Spring flowers were blooming on Friday outside Memphis at this rest stop.

We just had to make a stop in Chicago on the way home to wish our youngest grandchild, Iggy, Happy Birthday and deliver some presents on his 2nd Birthday.  (He is a sweetie!)

On Sunday afternoon we arrived back at home near Frederic to find Old Man Winter still hanging around.  It is warming up and Maple sap is starting to run up here.
On this final post in our blog is a map of this years travels.  The green line shows our route south to pick up our trailer, the blue line shows our travels with our travel trailer, and the red line shows our path homeward.  We traveled 5,570 miles and we had a wonderful trip.
We are already looking forward to next year's journey.
Thank you for looking in on us as we wandered.

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