Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Returning Home to Michigan

After Hoover - we headed on east across Iowa and the top of Illinois toward home.  In south Chicago we met our daughter, Beth,  and granddaughter, Mary, to retrieve our bird that they had been babysitting for us.  We then drove on to Grandville, MI when we met our son, Ted, to retrieve our Pug, Jager.  At the Dykhuis home we also got to see our grandchildren: Andrew, Amelia, Lucy, Eleanor, and Harvey as well as our daughter, Becky, and son-in-law, Brian.  It was getting late so with the family intact in our truck we pushed on to northern Michigan where we arrived home the early morning of March 26.  We were exhausted but it had been a great trip with no major mishaps.  We had traveled to ten states and driven over 6100 miles.  Our vehicles had performed better than we could have hoped.  We had no accidents or traffic tickets.  We had experienced mainly good weather with the only real problems being some high wind storms in the southwest plains including a two-day dust storm that we had to ride out in New Mexico.  After driving across Kansas we decided that Dorothy was right when she said "There's no place like home!"  Nevertheless, Karen is already planning our winter trip south for next year.

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