Monday, March 26, 2012

Another Presidential Library on the Way Home - West Branch Iowa

After a long drive Saturday from Abilene Kansas to just past Iowa City we grabbed a room at a local motel.  Early Sunday morning we arose to visit the Hubert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum.
Like the others we have visited, it was worth the trip.  Hoover has been associated closely with the Great Depression, but we learned that he had earlier warned President Wilson about the  excesses of Wall Street and how regulations were needed. - but his warning were ignored and the market crashed.  He had become rich by being a successful geologist and was making $33,000 a year at the age of 24 with the highest salary in the world at the time.  He was a great humanitarian and helped feed many starving people during both world wars.  The museum had a movie about his life and many exhibits to help understand his legacy. Hoover and his wife are buried on the grounds.  In our travels we have now visited the presidential libraries and museums of Truman, Clinton, LBJ, Eisenhower, and Hoover.
We hope to see all thirteen of them eventually.

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