Friday, February 16, 2024

A Day at the Races

 On a beautiful Saturday early in February our RV park held its annual "Kentucky Derby Race" event over in front of the park wood shop.  Not only were there six "horse" races on which you could bet, but also bag tacos and mint juleps for sale.

There were six "horses" in each race and the moves were determined by the throw of large fuzzy dice.  Betting was limited to 75 cents per race and winnings were paid after each race determined by how many bets were placed.  Above, left, you see a visiting granddaughter helping her grandmother throw the dice.  Also, a prize was given for the best race headpiece.

Phil and Nancy Smoker came over with their lawn chairs to join in the festivities.  It was a fun day at the races and nobody got rich or went broke either.

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