Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Home to the Ice and Snow

 On Saturday, March 5, 2022, we arrived back home to the Manistee River in Michigan.  We started seeing snow in the fields around Mt. Pleasant, and as usual we had plenty by the time we hit Crawford County.  Lucky for us, two of our close neighbors kept our driveway and sidewalks clear so we could get to the garage and house to unload the truck.   We received another five inches of fresh snow on Sunday to remind us of what we have been missing.  We got out the snow blower and snow shovels and took care of it.  Nevertheless, Dorthy was right, there is no place like home.

Above is a photo of Karen's new Kentucky Derby glasses that she has already put into her collection.
See you next trip as we plan to take a river cruise out West in the middle of October.

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