Saturday, April 24, 2021

We Head Into the UP and West

 Rather than take the major interstate highways south to the bottom of Michigan and west, we were told recently that US Highway 2 in our upper peninsula goes west all the way to Glacier National Park in Montana.  Therefore, we decided to give it a try, and miss the Chicago area traffic along the way.  We were over the Mackinaw Bridge by 10 AM Saturday and on our way.

Bill's grandfather was born in Escanaba, MI  so we stopped there for lunch.  As you can see on the left of Karen in the photo above, the downtown is not very busy on a Saturday afternoon.  

We picked the Swedish Pantry downtown for lunch  to get away from fast food, and try the local fare.

After lunch we drove on west to the town of Iron River where Bill's mother was born and raised.  From an old document that Bill found, we knew that the Embs family lived at 828 West Adam Street when Grandfather Embs was Judge of Probate for Iron County in the early 20th century.  It is the house with the white porch above.

It appears that now the house has been turned into a duplex with a door for the upstairs, and one for down.
At least it is still standing!

After Iron River, as we headed west on US 2 the weather turned against us and we hit snow squalls off Lake Superior,  The trees that you see above were lightly covered in snow and the temperature dropped down to 32 degrees for at least 50 miles until we were into Wisconsin.  We made it through north Wisconsin and into Duluth, MN to spend the night.  More to come tomorrow..


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