Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Very Snowy Homecoming

Late Tuesday morning, 3/5/2019, we picked up our old bird in Lansing and drove deeper into the freezing weather that we had been driving in since southern Arkansas.  Conditions got worse!

Not only was it bitter cold but this is what our house (actually garage) looked like from the street.  Thank God that our neighbor, Francis, had been keeping the driveway plowed so we could get into it.

While Bill struggled to get the garage doors open, Karen used her gym conditioning to shovel this path to the house.

Finally making it into the house - this is what our riverside deck looked like from inside.
Dang : that show is heavy!
Notice the thermometer reading.

The deck upstairs was in no better condition.
We have a lot of work to do, and we are both praying for some warm weather to give us a little help..
We were told that this is the most snow up here since 1987!

As the sun went down it was so miserable outside that this flock of turkeys roosted in the trees above the house for a little extra warmth.

Now for the good news:
Our Frederic house is warm and everything inside seems to be working just fine.
After 6400 miles on the road is is good to be home.

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