Monday, January 29, 2024

Almost - But Not Quite

 Below is what all of us Detroit Lions fans were thinking at halftime when the Lions were leading by a score of 24-7 over the San Francisco 49ers.

It was a different game in the second half as the Lions stumbled.  
Final score SF 34 , Detroit 31.
It will be San Francisco vs. Kansas City in the Super Bowl.

   😧   😨   😩   😭

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Big Football Day Today


Today, Sunday January 28, 2024 there are four teams still standing in the NFL.  Our Detroit Lions are one.  At the end of the day the two Super Bowl contestants will have been decided.  The Baltimore Ravens are hosting the Kansas City Chiefs, and the San Francisco 49ers are hosting our Detroit Lions.

Drones above Detroit are lighting up the sky. (above)

Needless to say we will be watching and cheering for our Detroit Lions.

🏈   🏈   🏈

Go Lions

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Sometimes Lighting Does Strike Twice

 Last night here at our RV park we attended our usual Friday evening Card Bingo event at the clubhouse.  There have been pretty good crowds as our management allows visitors from other parks to come in and join the fun.  And guess what????

Bill wore his "Lucky" green shirt and won a quarter game all by himself. (like Karen did last week). That means he did not have to split the pot with another winner, which often happens.  So, he brought home 96 quarters, two nickles, and a one-dollar bill.  (the nickles probably were from some cheapskate). Winning one of eleven games is not easy when there are 100 people attending.  So to celebrate we might go out this evening and have pizza.
🍪 🍺

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Lucky is as Lucky Does

 Guess who was a winner at card bingo Friday night here at our RV park?

You guessed it.  Karen won one of the four quarter games and split the winnings with no one.

Her take ---  $$$  111 quarters or $27.75.  The washing machines down here will eat much of it.

💰   💲   💰

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Roar is Back

 Last Sunday, January 14, 2024,  the Detroit Lions beat the Los Angles Rams and Matthew Stafford 23 - 24 at Ford Field. It was their first playoff win since 1991.

This Sunday they play the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Detroit and ticket sales are expensive and through the Ford Field roof.  We saw the Lions get beat by Green Bay on Thanksgiving Day and the Packers are still in the playoffs.

Could get exciting!


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A Southern Texas Cemetery

 On a recent nearby road tour of the southern Mission, Texas area, we spotted an interesting looking graveyard about a quarter mile off the paved road.  We became curious because there was no sign at the roadside.

So we drove back to take a closer look.  

The cemetery was covered with bright decorative memorial flowers everywhere you looked.

Down here in the bottom of Texas the people remember and miss their departed loved ones and continue to show it as the years go by.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

National Football College Champions for 2023


How about those Wolverines?  Season record 15-0.

Last night the Michigan Wolverines beat the Washington Huskies 34 - 13 at the National Championship Game in Houston, Texas.

It was very windy down here in Southern Texas so we had trouble bringing in the game on ESPN.  Our RV park no longer has plug-in cable service, so we had to bring it in through Wi-Fi.   A few interruptions - but we managed.

Go Blue!

🏈   🏆   🏈

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year to 2024

 Bentsen Palm Village RV Resort has changed ownership and has new park management this year as well.  Among other things, the clubhouse has been enlarged.  On Sunday night they threw a New Years Eve Party with a fellow spinning records, and we all had more room to dance.  Light refreshments were put out and of course beer and margaritas were on sale.

We did not make it to midnight but had fun.  Happy New Year to all.

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